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Enrolment Info
In Victoria, all students with disability have a right to enrol at their designated neighbourhood school, where they can access supports, resources and classroom adjustments to meet their needs. The Find my School website can help you identify your designated neighbourhood school.
Specialist schools, including Dharra School, cater for the specific educational needs of students with a disability and have specific enrolment criteria. Spaces at specialist schools are limited and there are specific requirements to meet before enrolment can be considered.
Specialist schools in the Brimbank Melton Area have limited places and not all eligible students may be able to be enrolled. In circumstances where the school may not have capacity to accommodate all applications from eligible students, the school will manage enrolment requests in accordance with the following priority order of placement:
1. Students with a sibling at the same permanent address who are attending the school at the same time.
2. Students who reside nearest to the school.
School staff and regional disability coordinators are available to discuss schooling options for your child, including your designated neighbourhood school or another school, and the supports available.
Criteria for Entry
Dharra School is a Victorian Government school for young people aged between 5 and 18 years with intellectual disabilities.
To be eligible to attend Dharra School, a student must have a diagnosis of Intellectual Disability from a registered psychologist evidenced by:
- Sub-average general intellectual functioning which is demonstrated by a full-scale score of two standard deviations or more below the mean score on a standardised individual test of general intelligence, (for example, a full scale score of 70 or below on one of the recommended standardised individual tests of intelligence)
- Significant deficits in adaptive behaviour established by a composite score of two standard deviations or more below the mean on an approved standardised test of adaptive behaviour (for example, a Vineland Adaptive Behaviour Scales composite score of 70 or below)
- A history and evidence of an ongoing problem with an expectation of continuation during the school years.
The assessment for enrolment at Dharra must include a cognitive assessment and the approved Vineland assessment.
Assessments must indicate that the student meets the Department of Education (DE) criteria for support under the Program for Students with Disabilities (PSD) and the Disability Inclusion Profile (DIP).
For students wishing to enter from a mainstream school, the referring school is responsible for having assessments done, if they are required.
Students new to the system such as a Prep, student from interstate or from the Catholic / Independent School system will also require a current cognitive assessment. Please contact our enrolments team to further discuss the requirements.
Copies of letters from doctors, paediatricians, occupational, speech or physiotherapists relating to the student’s disability or medical condition are also of assistance in completing assessments and applications.
How to Enrol
Fill in an Enrolment Inquiry Form below. Alternately you can come to the school and request a paper copy of our Inquiry Form. Once completed a member of the Enrolments Team will contact you.
A tour of the school is an essential part of our initial contact with prospective families, and we are happy to arrange these for parents and students once we have all inquiry forms completed.
If your child is deemed eligible for enrolment at Dharra School, you will be given an Enrolment Pack to complete. All documents must be returned in person to the school prior to the completion of enrolment. We do not accept electronic copies. Contact the School to arrange a time to drop off your completed enrolment form and supporting documentation between 10:00 am – 2:00 pm, Monday to Friday.
Please note the below supporting documents are REQUIRED prior to commencement.
- Enrolment forms – these can be obtained from the Enrolment Coordinator
- A copy of the student’s birth certificate, passport or visa or letter of confirmation of residency status
- A copy of the student’s immunisation records. This can be obtained from the Medicare website.
- Medicare card
- Copies of any medical plans, ie asthma, allergy, epilepsy or anaphylaxis
- A list of any medications taken by the child at school
- Proof of Residence (Tenancy Agreement or Contract of Sale)
Final enrolment approval is decided by the Department of Education. Students may commence transition following confirmation of this final enrolment approval.
Once all documents have been returned a transition period will be negotiated with the Enrolments Team and one of our Leading Teachers.